Understanding Sales Conversion Metrics

How effective is your sales function in your business? One way to answer that question at a deep level is to calculate conversion metrics for every step of your sales cycle. These numbers are not tied to any numbers on your balance sheet or income statement, but can...

Controlling Labor Costs

For service businesses, labor cost is the largest expense that is incurred in business operations. For many other types of businesses, the cost of labor is a large component of overall costs. Controlling labor costs so that they stay in line with what’s best for the...

43 Life Events That May Affect Your Taxes and Accounting

Your tax professional will ask you about what’s happening in your life, whether in the form of an interview, intake form, or annual tax organizer. Please know they are not being overly nosy! They need to know when life events occur because they often make a difference...

Making Customers Pay… You

If you grant credit to customers or take recurring credit card payments, the unexpected can happen: a customer fails to pay on time, the credit card expires, or the check bounces. What can a business owner do to spend as little time as possible on these items but get...

Help Wanted: You Have Options!

Many people have complained about the worker shortages this year. If you need additional workers in order to grow your business, here are some ideas for your consideration. Where to Look for Workers We may think of workers as only being employees, but there are a lot...

Direct vs. Indirect Costs (and Why You Should Care)

If you’re a business owner who wants to continually find ways to increase your profitability, then you’ll want to learn about direct and indirect costs. Breaking out your expenses into direct and indirect categories can help you arrive at the most profitable volume of...